What to do in May
May is a crucial month in the garden as temperatures rise and the risk of frost diminishes. It’s a busy time for planting, sowing and preparing your garden for the growing season ahead:
Things to do in May:
- Protect tender plants from late frosts.
- Prune spring flowering shrubs and prune clematis montana after it has flowered.
- Trim box and other formal hedging lightly.
- Continue taking cuttings from herbaceous perennials.
- Plant out dahlias at the end of the month.
- Protect young plants from slugs and snails.
- Clear out spring bedding for planting summer bedding plants.
- Thin out annuals and vegetables sown earlier.
- Mow weekly if you prefer a more manicured lawn.
- Apply lawn fertilisers now if necessary.
- Sow and plant out tender vegetables and continue successional sowing of vegetables.
- Remove all frost protection from plants at the end of the month.
- Ventilate any greenhouse of conservatories in warmer weather.
- Move tender plants outside for the summer.
Last Chance:
- Sow or turf new lawns before the conditions become too dry.
- Finish planting evergreen shrubs.
Getting Ahead:
- Sow biennials for next year’s spring bedding plants.
- Inspect plants regularly for signs of pest and disease and nip potentials problems in the bud.
The Weather
- May is mild to warm, with average day time temperatures ranging from 14°C to 16°C and night time temperatures between 6°C and 8°C. Frost is unlikely as daytime temperatures start to feel pleasant rising as the month progresses.
- Expect moderate rainfall with occasional thunderstorms.
- The days are getting longer with more sunshine, though showers can still occur.
General Tasks
Vegetables & Herbs
The Flower Garden
The Greenhouse
Trees & Shrubs
The Lawn
Wildlife and the Pond
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