What to do in July
In July, the garden is in full summer swing, with plants in full bloom, fruits ripening and vegetables ready for harvest. It’s a month of maintaining your garden's health, keep on top of watering and feeding and make sure plants continue to thrive in the warmer temperatures:
Things to do in July:
- Make sure the birds have water in dry spells.
- Keep new young plants well-watered and feed and water plants in containers regularly.
- Continue deadheading flowers as they fade.
- Prune shrubs that flowered in early summer and take semi-ripe cuttings from them.
- Trim conifer hedges and take cuttings from them.
- Summer-prune wisteria.
- Divide bearded irises and layer and take cuttings of carnations and pinks.
- Plant autumn flowering bulbs.
- Transplant seedlings of biennials sown earlier.
- Lift new potatoes, onions and garlic and pinch out runner beans at the top of the canes.
- Pinch out outdoor tomatoes when four trusses have formed and remove all side shoots.
- Pick raspberries and currents and harvest herbs.
- Damp down and ventilate the greenhouse.
Last Chance:
- Fill any gaps in beds and borders with bedding.
- Sow the last vegetables for harvesting in autumn and plant our all winter brassicas.
Getting Ahead:
- Plan to have you garden cared for if you are away.
- Order spring-flowering bulbs.
- Prepare the ground for new lawns in autumn.
- Sow salad under cover for autumn and winter and prepare new strawberry beds.
The Weather
- One of the warmest months, with some hot spells. Average day time temperatures typically ranging from 21°C to 24°C and night time temperatures between 12°C and 14°C.
- Heatwaves are possible, pushing temperatures above 30°C, but these are typically short-lived.
- Rainfall is lower but can occur in the form of summer storms.
- One of the sunniest months with long, bright days.
General Tasks
Vegetables & Herbs
The Flower Garden
The Greenhouse
Trees & Shrubs
The Lawn
Wildlife and the Pond
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