The BBC Master Computer was the successor to the Model B+ with a Commodore 65SC12 processor and 128K of RAM. There were several variants of this machine including the Master Compact and some more specialist models e.g. for the BBC Domesday Project. Other enhancements included built-in cartridge slots and a 'mega' ROM which provided several Filing System and Language options as standard. There was also a range of co-processors that could be fitted internally. Econet was provided via an ADF10 plug-in module.
I have created a number of additions for the Master including:
an implementation of a GOTEK that fits neatly inside the Master
a SCSI Host Adapter which can be used with real Winchester drive(s) or the integrated BeebSCSI
I'm not going to try and go into any more detail here as there is loads of information on BBC Master Computers elsewhere on the web but here are a few useful resources:
(* this was created by adding the new pages and an updated index rather than scanning the whole document in)
Acorn Application Notes: