Atom Colour Board

Atom Colour Board

This is a spin off from my Replica Atom's project in which I have added video buffers and RGB output.  It doesn't do anything particularly fancy like changing the frame rate or providing more modern outputs like HDMI as that's already been done by others, this is a simple solution if you just want better video output from your Atom.


You can just load enough components to use it as a Video/YPrPb buffer board or load the rest and add RGB output.  The RGB conversion is carried out using a Texas Instruments LMH1251.  The board simply interfaces to the 10-way connector on the Atom, no soldering or modification being required.  I use the board to drive LCD VGA monitors via GBS8200 converters.  A link allows selection of either positive or negative Sync, positive is the more common.  The three presets are required to adjust the levels going into the LMH1251 and should be adjusted to get the best RGB output.


The board does have several surface components on it, the SO parts are not particularly difficult to fit though the TSSOP LMH1251 is a little more challenging !  I am planning to have the board available as a blank PCB or with the surface mount parts already fitted.


I've fitted my board inside the Atom case wired to connectors on the rear panel as the case on this machine had already been modified, you may not want to drill holes in your valuable Atom so the board could easily be externally mounted in a suitable box. 



Bill Of Materials

Blank PCB

Atom Colour Board PCB


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